Let’s Try Again

Wow, so much has happened since I’ve spent any time here. I am looking for a place to write and connect, even if it’s just with my former self 🙂

I’m different than I was when I last wrote. For starters, I have 2 wonderful daughters now and I am a stay-at-home mom with them. I find it tough to carve out time to knit. I started a knitting podcast with one of my good friends about a year ago. We got 10 episodes in and being responsible for my 2 girls has made it almost too challenging to continue. It’s on pause for now.

So what am I doing now?

I’m exploring the part of myself that feels so small and covered up by all of my day-to-day of being a parent. I’m lost in being a mom of 2. Whatever I used to do for myself has been pushed to the back of the back of the back burner so I can pour myself into being a mom.

That realization hit me the other day and made me sad. My youngest daughter is almost 1 and is still nursing so I find when I do have an ounce of time to myself, my hands are ironically full. I started reading again. I take my girls to the library pretty often and thought I should just pick up a book or two when I go for myself.

I read a couple adult fiction novels and found them so heavy emotionally or completely full of ridiculous six. So I thought back to when I did like to read and what I enjoyed. I loved reading YA books, coming of age, magic…so I started there. And I’ve been enjoying it. Plus now with my library having so many titles available as an ebook on the Kindle app, it’s made it easy to read.

That has helped me to feel less lost. I’m trying to just be grateful for the little moments of me time.

So you’re probably wondering about the knitting. I do have a sweater for me on the needles. I was excited when I started it but it’s hard to work on because it’s big and bulky. Plus it needs 2 hands to work on it.

It’s the Haru V Neck Sweater and I’m using Miss Babs Yowza in Coffee Break. I’ve been hoarding that yarn for a while and have bought up 4 skeins of it. I was initially very excited to work it up, but now I’m not so sure. I wonder if it will knit up too busy. Time will tell. I’m sure I will come around.

I’ve also got a couple pairs of socks going. But that’s it. Maybe I’ll do a Mother’s Day cast on tomorrow.

Maybe showing up here can help me come back to myself a bit.

Happy knitting 🙂

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