5KCBWDay6&7: Sharing Means Caring

Yes, well I’m cheating again…doing the two-for-one thing in term of posting for this intense blog week. Who knew that posting, DAILY, would be such a challenge. It’s not that I don’t enjoy posting on my blog. I love it. I love feeling like I’m connecting with other people out there who knit, crochet, or just like to read blogs.

Day 6: Views of Others, Views of Yourself.

I’m supposed to write about a crafter I admire and about how other people feel about my knitting.

From the beginning, I’ve needed a way to be creative but had a hard time finding a medium where I felt I could really get across what I envisioned. I found that in knitting. I have my mom to thank for that.


She started her crafting journey I’m sure well before I was even a thought in her mind. When she was pregnant with me, she would cross-stitch the most beautiful pictures. Several family members still have something she worked on at that time. Even I came away with one.


Not the best photo, but that’s CROSS STITCH! Not a picture or a drawing, it’s thread! Every time I see one of her pieces, I am still in awe. She also dabbled in sewing, making my brother and I countless outfits when we were toddlers and all of our Halloween costumes until we were in high school (by that time, we thought we were too cool to dress up). She had some crazy busy years when I was in college and got away from crafting. After I graduated with my undergrad degree and decided to get a Masters, she was in a terrible car accident. She had some trouble recovering from a lacerated spleen and was put on bed rest. This contributed to her having a blood clot in her leg that traveled to her lungs and she had a Pulmonary Embolism. Thankfully, she was taken to the hospital and put on some serious blood thinners along with having a filter put in. With rest, she recovered. After her accident she took up knitting to make hats for her future grandchildren.

That was much more personal than I intended to write. I think when I talk about my mom, I’m always going to be more personal. It’s just the way it is.

As far as what others think or feel about my knitting?
When knitting in public, I get the general stare of most people who walk by. A few even point at me and poke their friends while saying, “Look!” Occasionally, someone will stop and ask if I’m knitting or crocheting. Rarely, a fellow knitter/crocheter will approach with hesitation and ask what I’m working on and then share what she is working on.

I think some of the best responses I’ve gotten to my knitting is from my husband and his friends. For Christmas of 2012, I knit my husband’s friends beanies. In the rush of getting them finished for the holiday, I didn’t get to take pictures for my Rav project page. When I put up the Facebook post calling for pictures of all the finished projects I had ever given to people, his friends were among the first to send me a picture.

ed's hat

justin's hat

phillip's hat


I think it’s safe to say that these are among the best loved gifts I’ve ever knit. I can’t think of three more worthy guys to whip up a hat for.

Day 7: Looking back, Looking forward.

This part of the post has to do with looking back to last year’s KCBW, but since I’m brand new to the knit blogosphere, I can’t really do that. Instead, I’m going to look back on my knitting journey. I would say I’ve come some ways since the beginning. I’ve tackled a few things I never thought I would, like cables and lace, and I’m gearing up for my first sweater (I’ve decided on a winner and I’ll post this Friday!).

As for looking forward? In one year from now when the 6th Annual Knitting & Crochet Blog Week comes around, I hope that crafting will have taken me down the road to knitwear design. I’ve got a few ideas brewing, but I’m not quite sure how to execute them. I think some further journaling, math, and swatching should be done before I unveil anything 🙂 I also hope to have tackled my first sweater and I’d really like to attend a knitting retreat.

As for wishes for my blog? I hope that I can continue to post regularly in the every-other-day timeline. I also hope that it can connect me to more great people, ideas, and inspiration to make me a better knitter.

This bad boy got real lengthy real quick. And awful wordy too. Overall, I’ve enjoyed this blogging challenge week. It has certainly taught me I’m not an everyday poster, but it did spark some new thoughts and ideas. It was also a great connector in the blogging world. I’ve come across some neat blogs that I’m not sure I would have without it.


v’s & bumps,



5KCBWDay4&5: Talks with Sherry & Flowers of warm weather

Man, this everyday blogging thing is tough! Originally when my husband came up with the idea I should start a blog, I thought I should blog everyday, but my Jordan said I should shoot for every other day. Man I’m glad I decided to go with his advice. But Knit & Crochet Blog Week is a special kind of every day crazy, so I’m cheating and doing 2 days at once. Here we go 🙂

Day 4: Conversations between workers.

I must admit when I first saw this topic, I thought my workers (needles, yarn, stitch markers, mini scissors, etc.) would have to talk to each other and I just wasn’t sure I was up for that kind of creativity. After reading a few other posts around the web and the directions again, I realized I would have the conversation with my worker. So, here we go.


Sherry: Hi! I’m Sherry the yarn cake maker. You may think I’m just a simple ball winder, but let’s be real here, I make the most beautiful yarn cakes. Sometimes Frank the swift helps, but I’m also pretty good on my own, maybe with the help of Penelope the yarn bowl. You can see us working “together” here.



Jenna went with a glamour shot here since she had already wound this ball of Aria.  I really am a beautiful girl and very helpful.

Jenna: Sherry, I really appreciate all your hard work with all the yarns I throw your way. I’m just curious, what is your favorite part of the job?

Sherry: Well my favorite thing about making yarn cake is the spinning around and around. I love it when you crank up my handle and I just go. It’s quite exciting to spin and spin! Then, all the sudden it stops and I have the most beautiful cake to give to you.

Jenna: Thanks Sherry for all you do. I look forward to working with you!

Day 5: Something a Bit Different

This post is supposed to be something different from my normal posting style. Since I’m relatively new to the blog scene, I’m still figuring out my style. But I’ll do something different.

Here are some of my favorite flowers I’ve come across on my neighborhood walks.


photo 1 (1)

photo 1

photo 2

See you tomorrow for another day of KCBW 2014


v’s & bumps,




5KCBWDay3: Adventures with my Little Green Elph

Today’s topic for the 5th Annual Knitting and Crocheting Blog Week is Photography. Eskimimi challenges bloggers to take a look at their photos and experiment a little.

I decided to take a look at my very basic photographs of my projects. So I’m starting with my most recent finished project for my friend Leigh: Her GREEN scarf 🙂

Generally, I take pictures like this in progress:


I put my darling project on a black background (sweet futon) during daylight hours. Maybe a finished one looks like this:


A close of up the stitches:



Maybe a “creative” shot:



So with this week underway, and the need to document my finished projects, I decided to try a model for my work. The only problem is that my husband was at work and the only other living things here to be tortured photographed were my kitties. Brother sits the stillest, so he was draped and pictured:

IMG_0910 IMG_0911 IMG_0912

That’s my adventure 🙂


v’s & bumps,


PS. The Green Elph is my Canon PowerShot SD1200 IS Digital Elph in a nice lime green. I’ve had it for quite a few years and it’s not fancy, but it does take nice pictures.

5KCBWDay2: Colorful knit seeking some Affection

5KCBWDAY2 Dating Profile
Write a dating profile for one of your past finished projects.

color affection 3

Introduction: Why hello there! I’m Ramblin’ Copper Moon, named after the 3 yarns that make me. I’m a colorful lady who is seeking a pair of shoulders to warm. My yarns were chosen at McNeedles with the help of Maria & Heidi and I grew over only a month to my full status. Jenna even worked on me on her wedding day!

color affection 2

Interests: I’m interested in cuddling up around a long neck and shoulders. I really love to travel from shop to shop. I am a little vain enjoy being complimented.

color affection 1

The Future: I hope to make it out of the closet more and onto someone’s shoulders. I also hope to be an inspiration for future Color Affections Jenna may be on her way to making. Thanks for stopping by to check me out 🙂


Ramblin’ Copper Moon

5KCBWDay1: A WIPs Point of View

I’ve been sucked into the blogging black hole! There are so many blogs to read and tweets to follow that I’m running out of hours! During a trip down the rabbit hole yesterday, I came across Eskimimi Makes’ 5th Annual Knit & Crochet Blog Week! (click the link to learn more)


Basically it’s a community blogging event where bloggers from all over the world post for a week on the same topics. It’s meant to get creativity going and to connect people. Those are definitely 2 things I’d like to happen for me so I’m diving in. It’s a little last minute, but I figured I’d give it a shot.

So for today’s topic: Day One (Monday 12th May): A Day In The Life. Describe a day in the life of a project that you have made, or are in the process of making.


Hi! I’m the Skinty Stripe Scarf Jenna started about 2 months ago. She saw the link to my momma pattern on the Purl Bee and thought I’d be perfect for her sophisticated lawyer sister-in-law. I’m so lofty and springy in this alpaca and silk blend (CEY’s Silky Alpaca Lace), but by damn I’m a skinty little lady. I was started at the corner and Lord Almighty if I’m only growing 1 stitch every time those needles click down and back…


THEN, that girl put me down the moment someone else’s birthday came along in March and she hasn’t touched me until today when she wanted to get a good picture of me. She only knit a row because she wanted to get a good shot and make it look like I’m actually growing. I don’t know what game she thinks she is playin at, startin all these projects AFTER she started me! It’s just not fair! It’s not my fault I’m such a slow grower! She’s the one who chose me! I can’t help it that I’m on size 5 needles! I’m really pretty! See!!!


Please, Jenna!! Knit on me! I know I don’t have any stripes yet, but if you work on me I promise I’ll grow!! If you’d only pay me some attention…


Skinty Stripe Scarf